Finance moves fast. In this dynamic and challenging environment we stand alongside our clients, helping them to make informed decisions based on the vast array of perspectives we can bring to bear on  your project.

We take a comprehensive approach in pursuit of your goals. Our extensive experience across all consulting disciplines twinned with strong relationships with some of the most important actors in the industry means that we can help financial institutions find practical solutions to intractable problems.

We organise our consulting services capabilities around three key pillars: Discover, Design, Deliver.

Who we are

Part of Capgemini’s Financial Services Strategic Business Unit since October 2022, Quorsus provides consultancy services to financial institutions facing a range of challenges and constraints across the post-trade landscape. We offer unparalleled expertise in post-trade technologies, operations, regulatory solutions, and market infrastructure, helping our clients to achieve their goals through intelligent reengineering of platforms and process.

Quorsus (Latin) loosely translates as, ‘In what direction, for what purpose?’. This focus on outcomes informs every aspect of our business and enables our clients to navigate a sustainable path for growth, while reducing risk and cost.

We pride ourselves on the strength and character of our consultants. This, combined with decades of industry expertise, ensures that our clients meet their objectives, however steep the challenge.

Our purpose

Rule 1: The outcome is everything. Our clients rely on us for the delivery of outstanding results, whatever the objective, from addressing entrenched cost issues to delivering robust regulatory reporting solutions. It is also the foundation of our business model. Our fees are typically tied to tangible outcomes which ensures a stable, long-term partnership of mutual interest.

Rule 2: Trust and transparency are fundamental. We always deliver honest opinions and feedback, and we expect no less from our clients. When all sides exchange and challenge ideas in an open working environment there is a stronger sense of certainty and purpose. This approach also accelerates the project journey.

Rule 3: Never compromise on quality. Our entrenched commitment to quality combined with our accumulated experience and detailed practical knowledge of how financial institutions and the markets operate, enable us to deliver projects that stand the test of time. This also serves as a foundation for strong client relationships and upholds our trusted reputation within the wider financial services community.

Your opportunity

While the past decade has seen a fundamental shift towards safety in post-trade services, regulation should never be a barrier to growth. We enable our clients to tap wider opportunities for collaboration, standardisation, automation, and mutualisation that yield maximum market efficiencies.

When it comes to supporting clients on their transformational journey, our approach of discover, design and deliver establishes a viable roadmap for future returns. By engineering processes that make effective use of the complex web of market service providers, we enable clients to balance the pressure to deliver fast results against global compliance standards and long-term growth and sustainability.
